MIT Bootcamp Globally has 0.13% Average selection rate. Started in 2014, only 381 aspirants globally got selected till date.
Women Economic Forum (WEF)
Kajal Shrivastava (EC) has been awarded under 'Young Innovator Creating a Better World for All' by Women Economic Forum (WEF). She was also one of the speakers to address the Delegates from 200+ countries who poured in to listen and share ideas on entrepreneurship.
Kajal Shrivastava
Showcasing her project to the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahuat at iCREATE 2018, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Her project was among the only 5 projects selected from pan India to be showcased to the PM.
Hackathon 2018
Computer Science & Engineering Students won 1 st Prize at Grand Finale Smart India Hackathon 2018 under Ministry of Women and child Development with cash prize of 1 lakh Rupees.
Winning Team: The Concept Crew
Hackathon 2018
Computer Science & Engineering Students received Inspiration Award and won 4 th place at Grand Finale Smart India Hackathon 2018 under Ministry of Urban Development, Government of Sikkim with cash prize of 10000 rupees.
Team: Vizion Array
TechGig Competition
Gaurav Rajput, Student 3rd year bagged 2 gold medal in TechGig competition among 5000 professionals.
10Lacs grant received from Gov. of India for her idea Nadi Horoscope.
Prabhat Kumar
4th Rank in AKTU Merit List 2016 (B.Tech).
Shirin Yadav
GL Bajaj alumna Batch 2011 completed her Masters in Information Systems in 2015 from Indiana University - Kelley School of Business. Ppresently working as a Technology Consultant at Deloitte Consulting in Denver, Colorado, USA
Saurabh Sarkar
Developer at Microsoft. USA
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